Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The White Tiger - Arvind Adiga

After a long time i started off with this book. I downloaded this ebook into my new personal Laptop. This is the first ebook i read in my new laptop ;). I am just curious what makes this book unique when it qualified for the Booker. I have to say the author is Indian youngest ever - to get the booker prize. I was always turned on by the good books. The book is about one local villager's journey from darkness (Poor village life) to entrepreneurial success. If you know about India, you will relish on this book - A real page-turner.

I like the below quote by the Author - expressing his interest in books.

"So I stood around that big square of books. Standing around books, even books in a foreign language, you feel a kind of electricity buzzing up toward you, Your Excellency. It just happens, the way you get erect around girls wearing tight jeans."

I am sure going to start reading one more time over this weekend, Intriguing.
